Joan, your journey from a tech marketing business and venture capital to rediscovering your true passion for writing is a powerful testament to the importance of aligning one's life with their inner truth. Your story resonates deeply, especially in a world that often prioritizes conventional success over personal fulfillment.
The courage it takes to recognize that you were on a path that didn't align with your authentic self and then take a bold step to change course is truly admirable. Your decision to leave behind the "comfortable but unfulfilling path" and pursue your creative passion is an inspiration to anyone feeling trapped by societal expectations or their own past choices.
The way you describe your return to writing as "each story I write is a small gift to myself" beautifully encapsulates the essence of creative expression. Writing from the heart and for the sheer joy of creation is a powerful source of fulfillment and connection.
Your story is a reminder that financial success is not the only measure of a fulfilling life. It's about living authentically and letting your inner compass guide you. Your willingness to embrace this journey and share it with others is a gift in itself.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Joan. It's a reminder that it's never too late to change course, reclaim your dreams, and let your purpose guide you home. 📝🌟